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Salt River Canyon - Globe, AZ.

Hello again and welcome back to my travel blog! This past weekend we were off on another adventure... this time to Salt River Canyon. We are loving being outdoors in the cooler temps in Arizona and take advantage of the mountain views! To get to this canyon from Eastern Arizona, you will need to take US60 East to Globe, then AZ-188 Apache Trail then take the entrance to Globe/Show Low Hwy. Using your Gps may get you lost!

On this adventure, we were looking foward to visiting this canyon. It is a smaller canyon (compared to the Grand Canyon), but in my opinion, it is a lot more scenic and greener. If you get car sick from winding roads, be prepared! There is a lot of winding, but oh so worth it. The drive to the canyon is very scenic. Around every corner, is something more amazing to stop and look at. There are plenty of pull off points on this drive. As you come to the lower area of the canyon, there is an old white bridge and a red one. Stop here first! There are port-o-potties and you can take the stairs down to the landing to get a better view of the Salt River and bridges. The entry to the stairs were closed this day (due to Covid-19), but you can still access them with a little creativity and maneuvering. I promise it is worth it!

As you go down the stairs (there are a lot them), you are treated to spectacular views of the Salt River. The river flows more during the spring and monsoon season), but there was water in it on this day. The two bridges are awesome so take some pics under it! it was so beautiful and tranquil down by the water. As you head back up the stairs and continue up the winding road, the even more amazing views of the canyon began. As you get further up the mountains, you are treated to so much greenery, pine trees were turning red and yellow due to fall and then...BAM!!! The canyon... Oh the canyon! I thought I would lose my breath! I litterly couldn't breathe it was so amazingly beautiful. Once at the top their is a final viewpoint landing you can see the river and all the crevises of the canyon, it is not like anything else! If you keep up the winding road you will be heading to Show Low, we didn't go there, but will another day!

One tip... stop and take pictures on your way up, the best photo stops are on the right hand side of the road, overlooking into the canyon. There is so much to see! There is nothing around to eat, so make sure to pack a picnic lunch and bring plenty of water. You are gonna want to stay awhile and take in some hiking and the views! Enjoy the pictures and video! And get out and explore your state!!!


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